Angelina Jolie Is Wearing A Lot Of Makeup In Her "Makeup-Free" Louis Vuitton Ads


We were dubious before about Louis Vuitton’s luxury flacks and their claims that Angelina Jolie was shot “without makeup” for their ads, but now that we’ve studied the associated video carefully — by which we mean that we watched it, and that we have eyes — we are left in no doubt. No doubt whatsoever. They simply do not shoot major international campaigns for luxury brands without professionally applied hair and makeup. This leaves us with only two questions: one, why the fuck did Louis Vuitton tell such a dumb-ass lie about something any customer with half-decent eyesight would be able to disprove? And two, how does the makeup artist responsible for that very nice smoky eye Angie’s sporting feel about this whole business? (Probably he or she feels really well-paid. But everyone likes credit for their work.)

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