Andy Dwyer Goes To College, Takes A Course In Women's Studies


In last night’s episode of Parks And Recreation, Pawnee’s resident simpleton decided to kickstart his career and sample a few courses at the local community college. At April’s suggestion, Andy tried an introductory guitar class, but decided it was boring, since he’s already a achieved success with his band, Mouse Rat. At at Ron’s urging, Andy sat in on a science course about lasers. But when Andy discovered that the course was all about theory — and not playing with actual lasers, he declared it to be “one of the most significant bummers of my lifetime.” When he chose a course at random, he wound up in an Introduction to Women’s Studies class — and they all loved it. Papa Bear Ron saw the thirst for knowledge inside of Andy and presented him with a “Ron Swanson Scholarship” in order to pursue his interest in Women’s Studies. Of course, a newfound passion doesn’t always mean that you necessarily “get it.” Andy kind of made an ass of himself on the first day. Still: ‘A’ for effort!

And for the supporters of Ben and Leslie’s romance, I had to include this choice little clip. Earlier in the season, as some may recall, Leslie put her relationship on hold in order to advance her political career. I won’t say anything else for those who haven’t yet watched the episode, but please feel free to discuss in the comments, as I let out a literal squeal upon watching and I know that I can’t be the only one!

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