Amy Winehouse Was in the Process of Adopting a Child

CelebritiesDirt Bag

Amy Winehouse, the woman whose vice launched a thousand uncreative postmortem jokes about rehab, was in the process of adopting a 10-year-old St. Lucian girl when she died last Saturday. The singer had booked a plane ticket to fly there next week to visit her. The whole thing’s pretty weird- first, I realize that famous people are usually fast-tracked in the adoption process, and I understand that some addicts make lovely parents, but isn’t it, as a general rule, a good idea to make sure that someone can take care of themselves before courts grant them the legal right/responsibility to care for someone else? Maybe I’m just old fashioned. Second, the girl already has a mother and a grandmother, so Winehouse would have been pulling a bit of a Madonna (as in Material Girl from Detroit with mysterious British accent, not God’s special lady). Third, there was talk of Winehouse moving to St. Lucia to mom all over the girl, which is ultra weird because, like I mentioned before, the girl already has a mother.

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