ABC Promo Shows a Rabbit Burrowing Through Ginnifer Goodwin's Crotch


Do you watch Once Upon a Time on ABC? I don’t, but I sure want to now that I know how creative their promotions department can get. During this past Sunday’s episode, an animated graphic popped up at the bottom of the screen. This is a normal (and very annoying) feature on ABC, but what made this one so special is that it accidentally showed the White Rabbit burrowing right into a none-the-wiser Ginnifer Goodwin’s vagina.

Down the rabbit hole, indeed.

Russ Frushtick caprtured the perfectly-timed fuck-up on Instagram and it went viral soon after. Luckily, everyone seems to be taking it in good humor.

Once Upon a Time co-creator Edward Kitsis told EW:

“I never thought I would have so many emails about Ginny’s vagina. It’s embarrassing, but at the same time, it’s so silly it’s hard to take serious. It’s so obvious that somebody didn’t realize what they were doing.”

Ginnifer Goodwin, the actress who was delivering the line “You’re searching for something powerful enough to vanquish the queen” right as the White Rabbit was bee-lining for her crotch, tweeted:

Which exciting orifice do you think the fairy tale favorites be exploring next week?


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