Daenerys Targaryen Will Be Holly Golightly on Broadway


Yes, Breakfast at Tiffany’s is being turned into a Broadway show, and Khaleesi — aka Daenerys Targaryen, aka Emilia Clarke of Game of Thrones — will play Holly Golightly.

As the AP points out:

The movie tidied and glossed over the deeply tragic undercurrent of Capote’s story: an aimless bachelorette who uses sugar daddies as her income and a crutch to avoid the pain of her past.

Yeah, in the movie, all that $50-for-the-powder-room business wasn’t nearly as lurid as it was in the 1958 novella by Truman Capote; he once said Holly was not exactly a prostitute but an “American geisha.”

Tony Award-winning playwright Richard Greenberg will whip up the script; he says: “The goal of this version is to return to the original setting of the novella, which is the New York of the Second World War, as well as to resume its tone – still stylish and romantic, yes, but rougher-edged and more candid than people generally remember.”

Does this mean that Holly will, as she did in the book, throw around the word “nigger”? We’ll see.

[AP via Daily News]

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