George Zimmerman Original Painting Is Going for Almost 100K on eBay


You can now buy George Zimmerman’s vision of America: a flag drowning in a deep blue sea of shit.

You know, I’m not surprised Zimmerman is selling his cheesy garbage painting online — this isn’t the first time, after all — but I am pissed at the fucking idiots bidding on it. Why would you spend money on this? Other than a misguided, racist, and troubling attempt to support a man who killed an innocent black child.

Anyway, here’s the listing:

First hand painted artwork by me, George Zimmerman. Everyone has been asking what I have been doing with myself. I found a creative, way to express myself, my emotions and the symbols that represent my experiences. My art work allows me to reflect, providing a therapeutic outlet and allows me to remain indoors 🙂 I hope you enjoy owning this piece as much as I enjoyed creating it. Your friend, George Zimmerman

You are not my friend and yes, please stay indoors. Never come out.

I love that there are people at the bottom asking questions about the dimensions and the artistic composition — is it oil on canvas?!!?!?! Let’s be real, the only thing you care about is if it’s signed or not.

There’s always this plan:

since this fucking dingleberry is going for hella $$ no many how many profanity laced comments i leave, i am going to bid on this, for like 11dybillion dollars, and then, wait for it…. NOT PAY. forcing him to wait in limbo for at least 8 days, while i twiddle my thumbs (ebay policy to let you wait that long). then, i’m going to be really annoying, and ask if i can pay in installments, of like $1 per year, etc. etc ad infinitum til ebay shuts me down and he resells it. i am an established ebayer, so this seems plausible, no?

Yes. Yes it does seem plausible.

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