What Do You Wish You Knew Before You Lost Your Virginity?


The auction price for 22-year-old Natalie Dylan‘s virginity is up to 2.5 million pounds (about $3.6 million), but the Times of London has ten tips for her to remember when she does give it up.

“Ten things to know before losing your virginity” contains some good advice, like “If you don’t feel comfortable discussing protection and contraception with your partner, you should not be having sex,” and “While not perfect, condoms are the most effective way of preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia and trichomoniasis.” But then there’s this:

A recent study of sexual attitudes among 14 to 16-year-olds, carried out by researchers from Sheffield University, found that teenage boys thought it was acceptable to pressure girls into having sex and to use alcohol to get them into bed.

And this:

No surprise then that girls are twice as likely as young men to regret their first sexual experience, and they are three times as likely to report being pressured into unwanted sex.

Factoids like these are more scare tactic than tip. If you know and trust your partner — and understand what you want — you don’t need a research study to tell you whether to have sex. On the other hand, we all have a few things about sex we wish we knew the first time. What are yours?

American Woman, 22, Auctions Off Virginity For £2.5m…But Waiting For A Better Offer [Daily Mail]
Ten Things To Know Before Losing Your Virginity [Times Online]

Earlier: Like An Artificial Virgin
Area Woman “Empowered” By Auctioning Her Virginity
5 Things Every Female Virgin Should Know And No One Will Tell Her

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