Two Women Dress As Kim and Kanye, Excellence Ensues

Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are so anxious to please us and themselves and the cameras and the world that they put a lot of thought into their outfits. Doing the Lord’s work, Katie Burroughs and Kathleen Lee had the bright idea to recreate some of those famous Koordinated Kimye photos for their Tumblr and Instagram page, What Would Yeezus Wear?

The answer of course is ripped jeans, leather jogging pants and whatever matches with what Kim’s wearing that day. Katie and Kathleen (I’ll call them KatKat) mimic everything, including the clothing, poses and environment.

The whole thing serves as an uncanny ode to Kimye as a couple and a commentary on their image-obsessed, curated life. The resemblance is “cray.”

So if you’re still looking for a Halloween costume, here’s some inspiration:

Image via What Would Yeezus Wear?

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