The Fifty Shades of Grey Audition Script Was Naaaasty


Carrie Diaries actress Chloe Bridges was sufficiently weirded/grossed out by the Fifty Shades of Grey audition script. “There were three pages of sides that I was going to audition with,” she said. “I read them and then was like, I really can’t do this.” *YIKES*

“If you read these three pages of sides, you would die,” the actress told “I still like show them to my friends for fun.”

She goes on:

Bridges was hesitant to reveal too much about the script but, “The scene was, like, the girl telling her friends about some sexcapade she had,” she said. “But it goes into extreme detail and uses the word ‘sperm’ a couple times. I was like, I don’t know guys, I have to go home to my grandparent’s house in a few months at Christmas, I don’t know if I can do this.”

What’s so wrong with using the word sperm in a sexy scene? It’s so erotic. Just tie me up like a Christmas ham and rub that sperm all over my eyelids. See? Easy.

“It was intense. So mad props to the people who are going to do it. You had to be able to take it seriously and not laugh or turn bright red,” she said. Needless to say, she wasn’t cast.


Image via Getty, Ben Gabbe

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