Texas House Approves Dangerous Bill to Virtually Ban Abortion


The Texas House of Representatives just voted to pass the crap legislation that will basically end access to safe and legal abortion in the state and and close all but five abortion clinics in the state of over 26 million people. A state where an estimated 130,000 women are already going without basic, preventive health care due to the legislature’s drastic cuts to women’s health care funding that closed more than 55 health centers.

Even worse, the House voted down an amendment proposed by Republican Rep. Sarah Davis to preserve the ability of rape victims and women whose lives are in danger to access safe and legal abortion.

Cecile Richards, President of Planned Parenthood Action Fund, has this to say:

Over the past few years, we’ve seen relentless attacks on women’s health and rights in the state of Texas. Already, these attacks have hurt hundreds of thousands of women, and will hurt many more if the legislation the House approved tonight becomes law. With this vote, the Texas House of Representatives ignored not just the thousands of Texans who have spoken out against these attacks on women’s health, but the vast majority of Texans.

Who else did they ignore? The Texas Medical Association, the Texas Hospital Association and the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. But really, what do those idiots know about women’s health care?

The bill will now head to Senate – look for happenings there as early as Thursday.

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