Single Mother of Four Wins the Powerball and We're Not Even Mad


If you’re reading this, you probably didn’t win the Powerball last night. But if you’re feeling bad, here’s some consolation: One of the people who did win is someone we can all empathize with — a single mom with four kids (one of whom lives with cerebral palsy).

While the two other winners (each of whom will receive up to $101 million before taxes) have not come forward, the media has already begun interviewing Marie Holmes of North Carolina, who’s recently had to quit her jobs at McDonald’s and Walmart to take care of her four children.

Holmes plans to donate some of the money to her church and put the rest aside for her childrens’ college fund (meaning they can go to the world’s most expensive college if they want to, or go to a state school and demand the rest) (I would choose the latter option). When asked by Fox Wilmington how she’s feeling about the whole thing, Holmes said “I’m ready for it. I’m ready to embrace the change. I’m very grateful for what’s about to happen for my family.”

Holmes is right: The amount of money she’s about to receive — take the lump sum! — will change her entire life and hopefully she’s already got a reputable financial planner on speed dial if she wants to avoid The Lottery Curse (I wish we could do dripping blood letters here).

If you’re not familiar with the curse, here’s a great article that details what happens to people who’ve won even less money than Holmes. Aside from bad investments and overspending, past lottery winners have been threatened, extorted and even murdered. Be careful out there, Marie Holmes! Put all that money in a bank and don’t give any to anyone. (Except for me. You can send me a reasonable amount for this advice care of the Jezebel office.)

Holmes plans to “go away for a while” to avoid anyone who might be after her due to her win. Of how her win will affect her children, Holmes says “It’s all for them.”

Wednesday’s Powerball reached over $500 million.

Image via Fox Wilmington

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