Saturday Night Live's Sasheer Zamata Explains Privilege to a Bro


Saturday Night Live’s Sasheer Zamata was recently named an ACLU ambassador and she’s using her new position to “shine a spotlight on gender and privilege,” she wrote on the organization’s blog. And she’s, of course, doing it with some pretty spot-on humor.

In a video produced for the ACLU, Zamata explains privilege to a white bro who is, unsurprisingly, deeply unaware of its existence. Zamata and a dude simply walk around, during their walk Zamata rolls her eyes at a billboard advertising a new television show aptly named “White Guys,” is stopped and frisked by the police and subjected to street harassment. Dude, however, gets the keys to the city for acknowledging feminism. It’s funny simply because it’s a little too true.

While the laughs are great, Zamata’s project is serious. She writes:

“Sure, we’ve made incredible strides in the past several decades. Without them, I wonder if I would have made it to SNL. But women still face greater barriers in employment, education, health care, and criminal justice – especially those of color and living in poverty.”

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