Rabbit Breeders Feel Totally Slut-Shamed By Pope Francis


Earlier this week, Pope Francis urged Catholics to cool it a little on procreation, saying, “God gives you methods to be responsible. Some think that — excuse the word — that in order to be good Catholics we have to be like rabbits. No.” Not happy: rabbit breeders, one of whom tells the Telegraph that the Pope’s metaphor was “stupid” and unfair.” Oh for God’s sake.

Erwin Leowsky, the president of the Association of German Rabbit Breeders, told the Telegraph that comparing rabbits and Catholics is super unfair to rabbits, adding, “[H]e should really think harder about giving up expressions like that and allow people to use contraception instead. I think it would be much more appropriate than saying such stupid things.” He added that it’s only wild rabbbits who get super sexy, while domesticated ones can totally keep it in their rabbity little pants.

Far be it from us to pick a fight with a rabbit breeding expert — especially a man so pugnacious he’s willing to call the Pope “stupid” — but just look at these little nymphos.

Image via Shutterstock

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