'Pro-Life' States Do a Shitty Job Providing Care to Women and Kids

New research indicates that the states with the biggest anti-choice boner also happen to be the ones with the worst record of caring for the fully formed human beings forced to live with the consequences of their leaders’ ideology. What’s more pro-life than ignoring a high maternal mortality rate? Besides everything?

The analysis, conducted by Ibis Reproductive Health and the Center for Reproductive Rights, found an inverse relationship between the severity of proposed abortion restrictions like waiting periods, mandatory ultrasounds, gestational limits, and TRAP laws and negative health indicators like child obesity, teen births, and maternal and infant mortality. In other words, the more “pro-life” the state, the less anybody seems to give a shit about health outcomes of women and children. Laura Bassett at the Huffington Post writes,

Three states — Kansas, Mississippi and Oklahoma — have fourteen anti-abortion laws each on the books. Twenty-two states have 11 to 13 abortion restrictions in place, and only one state, Vermont, has zero, according to the report.
Vermont, along with New Hampshire and Iowa, scored the highest in terms of overall indicators of women and children’s health and well-being. New Hampshire has only two abortion restrictions, and Iowa has six.
Most states with more than 10 abortion restrictions in effect, including Mississippi, Oklahoma, Arizona, Indiana, Florida, Arkansas, Alabama, Louisiana, Missouri and Texas, scored near the bottom.

Abortion is 14 times safer than childbirth, and giving women the freedom to manage their reproductive health using birth control and other family planning methods (including abortion) has proven to lead to better physical, mental, and economic outcomes for the woman and her family. But don’t tell that to the zygote worshipping lawmakers who are so concerned about women that they can’t even muster the courage to say the word “vagina” while proposing rules to regulate them.

Image via Getty

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