Nicole Kidman Married Keith Urban After One Month of Dating


Elle has begun releasing snippets of their upcoming cover story on Nicole Kidman and among the more interesting* tidbits are Kidman’s reflections on marrying husband Keith Urban after only one month of dating.

On deciding to tie the knot with Keith Urban after going out for less than a month:
“I’m spontaneous. I jump in. I kind of like getting married and then getting to know each other; I know that it sounds incredibly strange, but to me, it’s a more natural process.”

I have spent more time debating whether or not to buy a sweater than Kidman and Urban spent on their courtship, but, hell, the pair have been married for eight years so clearly they’re doing something right. If I had just said “DAMN THE TORPEDOES” and bought the sweater, would I be in happy relationship with the Keith Urban of cardigans (it was thatch colored with a middle part) right now?

Kidman and her interviewer also discussed babies:

The bulk of the discussion—our first of two—is devoted to her career. So, being professional, she simply stays on topic. But when I stand up and she notices for the first time that I’m pregnant, her whole demeanor changes. “Oh my gosh, you are so lucky,” she coos. “Is this your first?” Yes, I tell her, and quite possibly my only—at 38, I’m of “advanced maternal age.” “I had my last one at 43,” she responds. “My grandmother had her last at 49. Every month, I’m like, ‘I hope I’m pregnant!'” “Off the record,” interjects her publicist, who’d been waiting nearby to escort her into hair and makeup. “‘Off the record’? I don’t mind!” Kidman says. “Why not, right? I wish I was!”

May all your wishes come true, Nic.

*Interesting the way angel food cake or egg shell paint are interesting.

Images via Elle/Paola Kudacki.

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