Mother and Daughter Somehow Cram $60k Into Their Bras


Ever stash stuff in your bra? Lipgloss, iPhone, cash? I’ve been known to tuck a few bills into the left cup for safe keeping. But a when a 51-year-old Canadian woman and her 16-year-old daughter were stopped at the US border earlier this month, they had more than a couple of Hamiltons in their cleavage.

The two in were searched and frisked, and federal agents found that they were attempting to smuggle money into (and out of) the country (they were headed to the airport). Some of the money — around $15,000 Canadian — was found in purses. But feds did a pat down and claim to have found “a bulky mass” in the mom’s bra. Turns out she had four bags of cash in her bra — a total of $39,000. She admitted to sewing bags of bills into her daughter’s bra as well; a search revealed that there were two bags in the lining of the girl’s bra, each full of $10,000 in Canadian currency.

Since the two have the last name of El-Esmar and were trying to catch a flight to Lebanon, there are a bunch of “jihad” comments at the link. But I’m still reeling a the idea of trying to hide all that cash, stacks and stacks — THOUSANDS of dollars — in your bra. And then heading to the airport! Jeez. Cups runneth over.

[The Smoking Gun]

Image via Micha Klootwijk/Shutterstock.

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