​Katy Perry Lambasts "Perverted & Disgusting" Australian Paparazzi

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Katy Perry is currently on the road for her Prismatic World Tour, but her stop in Sydney, Australia, proved less than welcoming.

Perry took to Twitter to slam the “many grown men” who had followed her around a beach and would not leave her alone unless she let them take photos of her in her bathing suit. Gross.

She then posted pictures of some of these pap smears in an effort to publicly shame them, though they do seem like shameless people.

Damn Katy, go get em. [ONTD]

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Jennifer Aniston
would like you to know that she was the original magazine cover butt queen before Kim Kardashian overthrew her last week. Because that one time in 1996, she was on the cover of Rolling Stone and you could see her blurry butt kinda.

“[Mine] was just innocent, there’s nothing aggressive about that,” Justin Theroux’s fiancée added of her arguably tasteful nude in-bed cover, which was shot by Mark Seliger. “Sorry, Kim K.,” she jokingly added after Extra called her a “pioneer.”

I mean, there are clearly two very different butts going on here, but have we entered a new era in which female celebrities can be identified by whether or not they’ve had their butts on the cover of a magazine? I don’t think Jennifer Aniston could tell us, but maybe “Justin Theroux’s fiancée” can! [US Weekly]

  • Meanwhile, Courtney Cox is hosting, “like, 30 people” for Thanksgiving dinner. That’s a lot of stuffing. [People]
  • Holly Hafermann aka Skylar Grey has asked 14-year-old street artist Skyler Grey (who has sold street art to Snoop Dogg and The Game among others) to please go by some other name. [TMZ]
  • Heidi Montag regrets getting all of that plastic surgery and has now sworn off plastic surgery so she can age gracefully. [Contact Music]
  • Penelope Cruz is going to be in the Zoolander sequel. Also, there’s going to be a Zoolander sequel. [MTV]
  • Benedict Cumberbatch was almost Benedict Carlton. Let’s all take a moment to thank whatever higher power saw to it that that never happened. [Celebitchy]
  • Debbie Harry‘s got a mini-residency gig at Cafe Carlyle next year [Contact Music]
  • Vladmir Putin just earned his 8th degree black belt in karate. OBAMA ONLY HAS A BLUE BELT, THE SLACKER. [TMZ]

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Image via Getty.

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