Heavy Breathing & Hungry Eyes in the New Fifty Shades of Grey Trailer


Here is the new trailer for Fifty Shades of Grey featuring lines like “I like to see your face, it gives me some clue what you might be thinking.” Oh man, prepare yourself for some serious dialogue, deep drama and vibrator material, amirite?

As the Twilight fanfic written on a Blackberry community waits with bated breath for this film to hit theaters on Valentine’s Day, it might be a good time to check out earlier Jamie Dornan shows where he’s topless—why not?—like I did this weekend. I was catching up on my U.K. TV shows via Netflix and found The Fall, where Dornan plays a handsome and weird husband and father of two who also happens to enjoy digging through the panty drawers of strangers (at this point, he might be more sinister but I fell asleep half way through the first episode). Unfortunately, unlike like Fifty Shades, that show couldn’t afford a Beyoncé soundtrack.

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