Feeling Left Out of the Disgusting Cicada Plague? Check Out Cicada Cam!


I live in the Pacific Northwest, which means that the most interesting bug-themed event of my lifetime was side-eyeing a silverfish in my laundry room last week (slimer needed to cut the attitude tho srsly). We don’t have anything big or venomous or swarmy at all ever, which makes the east coast’s 17-summer cicada party seem sort of biblical and fabulous. What I’m saying is that I’m pretty jealous, you guys.

HAHA NO I’M NOT WAY TO BE COVERED IN BUGS BOZOS!!! [Goes outside at literally any time not even thinking about bugs at all.]

Anyhoo, if you do have some weird desire to be experiencing Giant Bugtown, USA (Population: AAAAAHHHHHHH) 24/7, the Science Channel has you covered. They launched a live Cicada Cam, which is streaming footage of cicadas crawling all over a model of the Capitol Building. It’s pretty cute, TBH.

Live video by Animal Planet L!ve

Cicada basics, in case you missed it:

According to National Geographic, the species spends much of their early life underground. When they emerge after two to 17 years, they latch on to trees and within a week they shed their nymph exoskeleton. Without the skin, they have stronger wings and the male cicada make the loud, noisy sounds to woo the female cicadas. And then the cycle begins again. There are more than 1,500 Cicada species; it’s Magicicada septendecim species that arrive every 17 years.

Cicada Cam will continue for the next week, unless they get busted by the Bug Secret Service or something. #THANKSBUGOBAMA.

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