Bar Serving a 'Roofie Colada': C'mon Guys, It's A Joke!

Staten Island, known to most in the tri-state area as a mecca of subtlety and restraint, has in its borders a liquor depository/social gathering place called The Phunky Elephant, a bar that, until recently, boasted on its menu something called a “Roofie Colada.” Some patrons, it turns out, were not pleased with their fun-loving nod to date rape.

According to DNAInfo, the Roofie Colada led to feelings of such ick from one patron that she posted about it on Facebook and contacted the restaurant’s owner. This led to a Phunky Elephant owner explaining that the menu item—a dessert drink containing “coffee ice cream, fried donuts, Kahlua, vanilla vodka, caramel, chocolate syrup and whipped cream”—was simply an homage to an episode of Family Guy.

Meanwhile, the Phunky Elephant’s Facebook page became a mini-forum for a debate about whether the favored excuse of naughty six-year-olds (“They did it on a cartoon I like!”) is justification for including a menu item that includes a hat tip to Rohypnol.

Ultimately, the restaurant gave in.

On Tuesday, operations manager Jerry Agro apologized for the title and said the restaurant pulled the cocktail off the menu until they renamed it.
“We certainly did not intend to create an impression of reckless or negligent behavior by presenting the dessert at question to our guests nor did we mean to make anyone feel uncomfortable or insulted,” Agro said in an email.
“This dessert name was simply a homage to an adult cartoon and there was no malice. We obviously do not support date rape or any sort of violence for that matter.”

Wink, said the Staten Island bar owner.

Image via Shutterstock.

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