Did Emma Watson Leave Brown Because Of Bullying?


After multiple sources reported that Emma Watson was being relentlessly bullied by her classmates at Brown University, the actress says she will be transferring to a different university in the fall.

Vanessa Davies denied reports that the actress was “bullied out” of the Rhode Island university, saying there was no truth in reports by a number of online publications who cited classmates and “insiders”.
Davies said Saturday that Watson, who plays Hermione in the wizard movie series, has decided to pursue a different course not offered at Brown.

Davies also added that Watson “has absolutely loved her time at Brown” and that she made a lot of “good friends” there. Which is pretty much what you’d have to say if you were a famous actor who announced you’d be leaving your university in a few months and needed to think of a reason why.

There’s no way of knowing if the repeated bullying was the sole reason for the transfer but either way, hopefully she’ll have a better time at the yet-to-be-named university of her choice.

Potter star Emma Watson to transfer from Brown [OMG]

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