Toni Braxton Is Considering Posing For Playboy


Today in Tweet Beat, Toni Braxton is interested is getting “tastefully” nude, while Adrianne Curry is interested in having a baby. Plus, celebrity dogs!

Of course it will be tastefully done 🙂less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Toni Braxton

My new years resolution is to stop letting people bore me with their new years resolutions.less than a minute ago via web

Whitney Cummings

So, the summer of this year will signal the beginning of my trying to get pregnant. scary and exciting. going off the pill in juneless than a minute ago via web

Adrianne Curry

this is crazy, just didnt envision myself feeling the “want” for a child so strongly. I wont try, I’ll just live&if it happens, it happensless than a minute ago via web

Adrianne Curry

Francesca and sharkey in the back seat. Ghengis the chow is sitting on top of them so happy than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Martha Stewart

Just ran into @giggythepom in Beverly Hills! 😀 than a minute ago via ÜberTwitter

Andy Cohen

I am not the “thug in the cocktail dress” 🙂less than a minute ago via web

Ramona Singer

Hey fuck you, Statler and Waldorf. Those other muppets are busting their asses for you.less than a minute ago via Echofon

Seth MacFarlane

THE VIEW on at airport. Realize I’ve never actually watched it. You’re supposed to want to murder the hosts, right?less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

Patton Oswalt

When people tell you they like 3D, d’ya sorta look at them like if they said their grandfather smoked and he lived until 103?less than a minute ago via SocialOomph

Roger Ebert
ebertchicago I love Miu Miuless than a minute ago via Twitter for Android

Jenna Jameson

Strawberry sundae topping. Doubles as a good blush for my cheeks. What other food would be good makeup?less than a minute ago via HootSuite

Tyra Banks

Lindsey Lohan checked out of rehab and David Arquette checked in. As they say, wherever God closes a door, he opens a bottle of vodka.less than a minute ago via web

Joan Rivers

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