Today In Tips: Avatar-Related Depression & Eli Roth Is A Badass


We’ve got more tips for you today, courtesy of our amazing readers and the #tips page. Overly intense Avatar fans, “dim perverts” and more, after the jump.

  • Commenter bowleserised submitted an article from the Daily Mail about a peeping tom who mistakenly photographed himself while setting up a hidden camera in a department store dressing room. Employees found the camera just a half hour later, and turned it over to the police. Does anyone recognize this man?
  • FashionZebra is mildly disturbed by the existence of a message board devoted to helping people get over Avatar-related depression. In what really seems like it should be a joke, commenters report feeling let down and dejected upon ending the film and realizing that Pandora isn’t real. But maybe they’re just feeling sad about all the weird racist undertones, as discussed by Will Heaven for the Telegraph. Thanks Newsgirl!
  • From jcb820 comes this ridiculous story: “German Policeman Suspended For Having Sex In Church DURING Service.” Yup, the headline says it all.
  • CaptainFumbles wants everyone to know that Eli Roth is a total badass. At least, according to his Twitter account, where he describes a kayaking disaster that ends with him crab walking to safety. One might argue that a true badass wouldn’t tweet his survival story, but then again it’s not like Twitter was even an option for Anne Bonny.

Have a good tip? We’d love to hear about it, via our tips tagpage. You can add a tip by entering a comment into the bar at the top of the page (“Let your fingers do the talking”) and ending with the hashtag #tips. Reminder: We appreciate all tips, but do make sure to leave more than just a link. As with all comments, the best tips are those that get into detail and display thought, reflection, and wit.

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