Meet The Well-Adjusted Target Of The Bieber Army's Attacks


Fifteen-year-old Sydney Dalton, whose temporary disdain of Justin Bieber enraged legions of other teen girls, is apparently dealing with the situation with maturity and aplomb. Maybe there’s hope for America’s youth after all.

Dalton gave an interview to the site 4TNZ about the frenzy around her and her friends’ YouTube video saying they were “over” Justin Bieber and ripping his posters. (Her name topped Twitter’s trending topics, as haters introduced the alternate hashtag #SlutneyDalton and threatened to kill her for her heresy.) Less than a week later, Dalton seems unshaken but isn’t minimizing the seriousness of the issue.

4TNZ: What would you say to others who have been the victims of cyberbullying?
SD: Don’t let it slide. Take action. If we just keep saying to ourselves “Oh, it’s not that big of a deal, they aren’t going to do anything.” cyber bullying will never stop. Some people are stronger then others. Some people take some of the things that are said to them seriously and kill themselves over it, and that is not okay. So my advice to victims would be to speak out about it, tell a parent/guardian or an adult and put a stop to it.

She also said, “I’d like to thank my haters for getting my name out into the public.” That’s because she wants to be an actress and is looking for an agent.

Late last week, someone actually took the trouble to create an unauthorized website at, proclaiming,

In August of 2010 Sydney Dalton unintentionally changed the world by renouncing her fan-hood of Justin Bieber. However many became outraged, claiming that this is the apocalypse thought to arrive in 2012. Others have found this young lady to be a new American heroine; putting an end to a completely unnecessary era. Whatever you decide, show your support, stand your ground, and let the world know.

And they’re selling t-shirts.

Some of her detractors are showing regret on Dalton’s Facebook page:

And some of them are still a little confused — here’s a followup from the girl who threatened to hit Dalton in the face with a full wine bottle, cork and all.

Dalton continues to calmly field the hate on her Twitter account:

And she’s going back to school, sounding a lot like a regular teenager.

Let’s hope returning to school keeps the Beliebers too busy for more death threat antics. But Bieber himself might not be safe from the Internet’s opprobrium, as this Huffington Post slideshow indicates. A sample:

At least he has bodyguards.

Exclusive: Sydney Dalton Talks To 4TNZ [4TNZ]
Why Does The Internet Hate Justin Bieber? [Huffington Post]
Earlier: Teen Girl Receives Death Threats From Global Army Of Bieber Fans

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