Bryan Cranston Narrates the Audio Book 'You Have to Fucking Eat'


Bryan Cranston will not tolerate your kids being picky eaters.

There are actually two great pieces of news to share in this post. First of all, there is a sequel to Go the Fuck to Sleep, the non-quite children’s book written by Adam Mansbach made for parents who have totally fucking had it with their kids who refuse to go to bed. You Have to Fucking Eat is the highly anticipated sequel about eating, another thing your bratty kids give you a hard time about. (Kidding. I’m sure they’re lovely.)

The book offers more of the same adults-only nursery rhymes people parents enjoyed in Go the Fuck to Sleep: “The bunnies are munching on carrots. The lambs nibble grasses and bleat. I know you’re too hungry to reason with but you have to fucking eat.”

On top of that we have learned that none other than Walter White aka Bryan Cranston will be narrating the audiobook version, available from Audible. Cranston told the Washington Post he’s excited about it, but worried about living up to that other great dirty book narrator, Samuel Jackson. Jackson’s reading of “Go the Fuck to Sleep” is basically legend at this point, but if there’s anyone who can fill his shoes, it’s the One Who Knocks. “This is a very funny book and my hope is that listeners will agree that I can swear with just as much panache as Samuel Jackson,” Cranston said.

Although no one could ever, ever read a dirty parenting book quite like Levar Burton.

Image via Akashic Books.

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